Michael J Anderson As good as ‘Twin Peaks’ was, and I mean, it’s a superb work that’s way ahead of its time, and we’ve never caught up, and we never will… I mean, we will never catch up to ‘Twin Peaks.’ – Michael J Anderson Catch Quotes Caught Quotes Peaks Quotes Superb Quotes Time Quotes Twin Quotes I think that David Lynch, he lives in a zone, and he expresses that zone to us with everything he does.
RespectSimon Sinek If you want to be a great leader, remember to treat all people with respect at all times. For one, because you never know when you’ll need their help. And two, because it’s a sign you respect people, which all great leaders do. – Simon Sinek
Rachel Bloom For myself, the way that I learned comedy was doing it live for four years, and only after doing sketch for four years did I feel confident enough to be like, ‘Okay, I feel good about starting to put stuff on the Internet where it lives forever.’ As opposed to one time at a college sketch show where it bombs and we never speak of it again. – Rachel Bloom
David Crosby I get egotistical about things where I can do something well – for example, my singing. Most other things, I don’t have the wherewithal to back it up. – David Crosby
Andrea Dworkin My hatred is precious. I don’t want to waste it on those who are colluding in their own oppression. – Andrea Dworkin
Park Yeon-mi In North Korea, it was actually an oppressive regime and that’s why I escaped with my life. – Park Yeon-mi
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