Corazon AquinoPeace As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it. – Corazon Aquino Peace Quotes Peacefully Quotes Power Quotes I’m against genocide. I’m against fascism. I’m willing to fight against them so that, in that sense, I think one can still be committed to justice and committed to peace but recognize the circumstances under which one does have to fight. My new hotels will play a leading role in promoting world peace.
Gabriela Sabatini I played Mary Joe Fernandez in the semifinals. She was winning the first set. Second set was very close. I started to play this aggressive game. I think I surprised them. – Gabriela Sabatini
Demian Maia In general, I think longer fights benefits jiu-jitsu fighters because the other guy can make mistakes. – Demian Maia
Ayobami Adebayo I established my first writing routine when I was 13. The school year had just ended, and I’d won a stack of books for being the best student in a number of subjects. The pile included several 60-leaved notebooks that I decided to fill with short stories. – Ayobami Adebayo
Anna Julia Cooper If our vaunted rule of the people does not breed nobler men and women than monarchies have done it must and will inevitably give place to something better. – Anna Julia Cooper
Sadie Jones I’ve always thought it was important not to attach too much superstition to the space where you’re writing, because once you get into the mindset that you can only do it a certain way in a certain place, your creativity can get blocked. – Sadie Jones
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