Anthony Bourdain As I see it, fast food outfits have targeted small children with their advertising in a very effective way. You know, it’s clowns and kid’s toys and bright colors and things like that. – Anthony Bourdain Advertising Quotes Bright Quotes Children Quotes Clowns Quotes Colors Quotes Effective Quotes Fast Quotes Food Quotes Kids Quotes Outfits Quotes Targeted Quotes Toys Quotes I’m never a reliable narrator, unbiased or objective. My house is run, essentially, by an adopted, fully clawed cat with a mean nature.
Carrie Lam Relative poverty acknowledges that the definition of poverty should move with the times. – Carrie Lam
Michael Oren We in Israel certainly have a great interest in seeing peace, stability, and security restored to Egypt. We want nothing more than peace for the Egyptian people. We’re not going to get involved in how Egypt, how the Egyptians should run themselves. That’s an internal Egyptian affair. – Michael Oren
Philomena Kwao When I started, there was only one other girl that I could name that was even close to my shade. I didn’t understand why there weren’t more black plus-size models with darker skin tones. It feels like the final frontier of beauty is to be black, to be plus, to have natural hair. – Philomena Kwao
Rutger Hauer I think one third of my work is with first-time directors because I think I should, you know? Really, the difference between a first-time director and a second- or third-time director – I mean there’s no director who makes enough movies anyway – but if they’re talented, they have it. And there is no movie that is perfect. – Rutger Hauer
Samuel Richardson A beautiful woman must expect to be more accountable for her steps, than one less attractive. – Samuel Richardson
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