Debbie StabenowFinance As Michigan’s voice on the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I will continue working to make sure the next generation of advanced technologies and alternative fuel vehicles are made right here in America. – Debbie Stabenow Advanced Quotes Alternative Quotes America Quotes Committee Quotes Continue Quotes Energy Quotes Finance Quotes Fuel Quotes Generation Quotes Michigans Quotes Natural Quotes Resources Quotes Senate Quotes Technologies Quotes Vehicles Quotes Voice Quotes Show people tend to treat their finances like their dentistry. They assume the man handling it knows what he is doing. One day I was in Starbucks going through one of my books on accounting, and this beautiful young woman came up to me and said, ‘My accounting book is different from yours.’ Her name was Joyce, she had a background in finance and administration and ran a surgery center. Within a short time, we were married.
Rod Stewart I can’t do that wonderful thing that Tom Waits and Bob Dylan do – to do imagery. I’m not good at that. I just write from the heart. – Rod Stewart
James Gleick As for memes, the word ‘meme’ is a cliche, which is to say it’s already a meme. We all hear it all the time, and maybe we even have started to use it in ordinary speech. The man who invented it was Richard Dawkins, who was, not coincidentally, an evolutionary biologist. And he invented it as an analog for the gene. – James Gleick
Leila Janah I grew up believing in meritocracy and the American dream. My parents came here from India. They had no connections. My brother and I went to public schools, and both of us succeeded. – Leila Janah
Lolly Adefope Online shopping. I spend the weekend browsing, but need the closure of a purchase before the new week starts. – Lolly Adefope
Sergio Garcia When it comes to hitting solid drives, the secret is to swing within yourself. I know that sounds like a cliche, but it’s true. If you swing at 100 miles per hour and hit it on the toe, you won’t hit the ball as far as you would with an 80-mph swing that catches the ball in the center of the clubface. – Sergio Garcia
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