Paul Whitehouse As more and more new houses get built, they just suck the water out of rivers. – Paul Whitehouse Built Quotes Houses Quotes Rivers Quotes Suck Quotes Water Quotes It is interesting that all these things that contain stuff like saturated fats, we love ’em. I’m not normally a tetchy person, am I? I’m really not.
Janeane Garofalo A lot of the hate mail I get is clearly misogynist. I am a proud liberal, feminist woman, and the hate mail I get about those three things is not about me. – Janeane Garofalo
Liz Vassey I have a thing for men’s boxer briefs and a tank top. If I’m wearing them, I’m a happy gal. – Liz Vassey
Graham Potter But any squad needs players who are hungry to do well, with their careers ahead of them. That’s important for the dynamic of the group, but it also needs a balance of guys who have seen it, done it and have that quality of leadership. It is all about the quality of the player. – Graham Potter
Algernon Sidney There may be a hundred thousand men in an army, who are all equally free; but they only are naturally most fit to be commanders or leaders, who most excel in the virtues required for the right performance of those offices. – Algernon Sidney
Rolf Harris I was always different from all the other kids, and I was doing things that nobody else did or seemed to have any interest in. – Rolf Harris
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