Natasha Trethewey As much as we love each other, there is some growing difficulty in my adult relationship with my father. Because we’re both writers, we’re having a very intimate conversation in a very public forum. – Natasha Trethewey Adult Quotes Conversation Quotes Difficulty Quotes Father Quotes Forum Quotes Growing Quotes Intimate Quotes Love Quotes Public Quotes Relationship Quotes Writers Quotes Before I was ever a poet, my father was writing poems about me, so it was a turning of the tables when I became a poet and started answering, speaking back to his poems in ways that I had not before. My father, Eric Trethewey, is a poet, so I had one right inside the house. And on long trips, he’d tell me, if I got bored in the car, to write a poem about it. And I did find that poetry was a way for me, I think as it for a lot of people, to articulate those things that seem hardest to say.
EnvironmentalWilliam Bartram If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose. – William Bartram
Deepak Chopra Wealth is the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, meaningful and caring relationships. – Deepak Chopra
Gary Becker Why in almost all societies have married women specialized in bearing and rearing children and in certain agricultural activities, whereas married men have done most of the fighting and market work? – Gary Becker
Calvin Harris I have legendary massive breakfasts at hotels. I don’t hold back. I’ll get there at 7A.M. and I’ll be the last out at 11 A.M., having gone up and down the buffet seven times. – Calvin Harris
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