Donna LangleyWomen As tastes shift around the globe and there are more roles for women, there are more women who can participate. Salaries will go up and be commensurate. – Donna Langley Commensurate Quotes Globe Quotes Participate Quotes Roles Quotes Salaries Quotes Shift Quotes Tastes Quotes Women Quotes I mean, so hopefully soon there’s enough women and enough people of colour and enough of every group out there that feels that they get the recognition they deserve, and then we don’t have to talk about it anymore. Women, can’t live with them, can’t live without them.
David Cross I remember being a kid and the Vietnam War was huge and looking at Watergate. – David Cross
Jack White I’d make a White Stripes record right now. I’d be in the White Stripes for the rest of my life. That band is the most challenging, important, fulfilling thing ever to happen to me. I wish it was still here. It’s something I really, really miss. – Jack White
Diana Gabaldon I’m a really slow writer. What I need to start writing on any given day, is a kernel, a line of dialogue, anything I can sense concretely. – Diana Gabaldon
Denis O'Hare I was a serious poet for quite a while and had little notebooks filled with poetry. – Denis O’Hare
Dele Alli I’ve shown people what I can do and want to establish myself as a Premier League player. – Dele Alli
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