Steven Levy As technology tries to maintain its dizzying ascent, one dead weight has kept its altitude in check: the battery. – Steven Levy Altitude Quotes Ascent Quotes Battery Quotes Check Quotes Dead Quotes Dizzying Quotes Maintain Quotes Technology Quotes Weight Quotes Our chips keep getting faster, and our data rates keep climbing, but at the end of the day – or worse, by mid-afternoon – those power meters on our screens inevitably turn to red. The iPod Shuffle was something unique for Apple: a device stripped down to a single function.
Paul Walter Hauser I want to try to give everybody else a fair shot and know that you don’t know what that person went through before you met them that day. We don’t know what people are walking out of or dealing with. The hope is that even when people aren’t sure about me, maybe I can try to love them and be sure about them. – Paul Walter Hauser
Dan Quinn I do know some missed tackles usually that comes down to leverage, and I know those are correctable and fixable. – Dan Quinn
Reece James We all wanted to play football and grew up loving it and were focussed on trying to get to the top. Our brother doesn’t play any more but he also helped us a lot. It was always competitive. Lauren was four years younger than our brother and two years younger than me but she always wanted to win. – Reece James
Alan Shearer I don’t watch a lot of TV, to be honest. With three kids I have my hands full. – Alan Shearer
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