Rachel Lindsay As the first of anything, you’re going to be judged. If you accept the good, you have to accept the bad. – Rachel Lindsay Accept Quotes Bad Quotes Judged Quotes Football, basketball, and track are my favorites, but I really enjoy watching all sports. Especially as a woman, the jury sums you up immediately and is listening to everything you’re saying. You have to be on your game all the time, and that prepares you for being in front of the camera. The difference is, when I am in front of a jury, I am not talking about my emotions and my life.
Maria Kanellis You can’t sit at home and continue to get contracts if you don’t have a bigger name. – Maria Kanellis
John Trudell I was going mad. One day, I just started writing, and it was like therapy because I was in a position where I couldn’t rage. I never expected to be a writer; it’s a different world than I ever expected to be in. – John Trudell
Christina Grimmie Confidence is not, ‘They will like me’. Confidence instead is, ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’. – Christina Grimmie
Carrie Nugent NASA has hit a comet with an impactor, during the Deep Impact mission. The goal of that mission was to study the surface by making a crater and stirring up the surface material so it could be studied. – Carrie Nugent
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