Paula White As the producers of ‘Unplanned’ learned, there is no article of faith so central to Hollywood as abortion. – Paula White Abortion Quotes Article Quotes Central Quotes Faith Quotes Hollywood Quotes Learned Quotes Producers Quotes Unplanned Quotes If we are going to be compassionate, we have to have stricter border security and laws. Promotion is absolutely essential in the movie business.
CarJames Comey Only a crazy person wouldn’t fear approaching a car with tinted windows during a late-night car stop, or pounding up a flight of stairs to execute a search warrant, or fast-roping from a helicopter down into hostile fire. Real agents, like real people, feel that fear in the pit of their stomachs. – James Comey
Steve Stoute I realized how far-reaching the effect of hip hop was when I walked by a jewelry store named Bling in a small, rural town in France. Hip hop has made a huge impact on urban culture. Yet many brands still don’t speak to young people in a tone and manner that’s representative of them. – Steve Stoute
Adam Johnson It’s true. In America, you can reinvent yourself at any turn. And, you know, if things aren’t going well for you in life, everyone says, change, become someone different. – Adam Johnson
Charles Woodson When I started trying wine, I started drinking merlot, and that’s all I had. I would go to dinner, and I’d see people drinking wine, and if I ordered anything, it would just be a merlot. – Charles Woodson
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