Jim Starlin As time went on, Thanos just sort of grew organically on his own. – Jim Starlin Grew Quotes Organically Quotes Sort Quotes Thanos Quotes Time Quotes When I started in the comic book business, ‘Art Of’ books were strictly the provenance of the greats, like Rembrandt and Da Vinci. But times change, and so do attitudes. Now the comic is considered an art form, and I hope ‘A Life in Words and Pictures’ contributes a little to that art form’s history. I was just as crazy as everybody else post-Watergate, post-Vietnam.
Lin-Manuel Miranda When I was asked to do a song from ‘In the Heights’ at the White House in 2009, I chose instead to do ‘Alexander Hamilton’ because I felt like I was meeting a moment. – Lin-Manuel Miranda
Patti Smith I don’t think public life in and of itself can destroy you. I think it’s the way people react to it, and some people are more sturdy than others… I don’t think any one faction can be blamed for a person’s self destruction – a certain amount of that has to be innate. – Patti Smith
Merritt Wever Saying good-bye on ‘Nurse Jackie’ was a really big deal, so I’m sure I was keeping myself guarded from ever having to feel anything like that again on another job, especially a death scene. – Merritt Wever
Daniel Akaka New drugs and surgical techniques offer promise in the fight against cancer, Alzheimer’s, tuberculosis, AIDS, and a host of other life-threatening diseases. Animal research has been, and continues to be, fundamental to advancements in medicine. – Daniel Akaka
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