Stephen Ambrose As to the Indians, the guiding principle was, promise them anything just so long as they get out of the way. – Stephen Ambrose Guiding Quotes Indians Quotes Principle Quotes Promise Quotes Andrew Johnson was a Southerner generally who proclaimed that his native state of Tennessee was a country for white men. Crazy Horse saw history as integrated in the present, incorporated into daily life.
Montel WilliamsTravel I travel Europe every couple of weeks. I just came back from London, Holland and Denmark. Every nation on this planet has its issues with race, and I am not sure if everyone has figured out how to deal with it. – Montel Williams
LeadershipMark McKinnon As in nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Without a strong voice for more moderate leadership, the Tea Party is filling that vacuum. – Mark McKinnon
Jason Nash Would I rather be on ‘Saturday Night Live’ or Snapchat? I’d rather be on ‘Saturday Night Live.’ – Jason Nash
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