Pierre Nanterme As traditional job descriptions become obsolete, people will need to collaborate in new ways with increasingly intelligent machines. – Pierre Nanterme Collaborate Quotes Descriptions Quotes Increasingly Quotes Intelligent Quotes Job Quotes Machines Quotes Obsolete Quotes People Quotes Traditional Quotes Without question, intelligent technologies will continue to disrupt the world as we know it. There will be profound implications, both positive and negative. Responsible employers who pursue bold growth agendas must embrace intelligent technologies.
Daniel Zovatto My dad is a really cool guy, but he showed me ‘The Shining,’ and I was like, ‘Hey, dad. I’m thirsty. Let’s go get a Coke.’ So we went to the vending machine, and he hid… and I turned back, and I was like, ‘Dad? Dad?’ And the elevator scene came to my mind. – Daniel Zovatto
John Baldessari I guess I get bored easily, and thank God. I don’t want to all my life pound only the same key, although some artists do it very effectively. I’m not trying to denigrate anybody. – John Baldessari
SportsVince Lombardi If it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, then why do they keep score? – Vince Lombardi
Ray Liotta Mafia guys are all just insecure people who want their money. They’re like little seven-year old kids when they don’t get their way. I knew guys like that growing up in New Jersey. – Ray Liotta
Simon Schama It was the Sephardi Jews who brought fish and chips to Britain, actually, believe it or not, from the Mediterranean world. Apart from actually eating and selling fish and chips, they were kind of debt enforcers. – Simon Schama
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