Dianne Buswell As well as Pilates, I like doing little YouTube videos on my phone. Sometimes it can just be a five or 10 minute little workout. – Dianne Buswell Minute Quotes Phone Quotes Pilates Quotes Videos Quotes Workout Quotes Youtube Quotes As long as you’re keeping your body active though, it doesn’t have to be a long session at the gym to be effective. If I’m not doing ‘Strictly,’ I genuinely like to wake up and start with yoga, because it’s good for the mind, not just the body.
Jeff Kinney The key to any good comic strip or television sitcom is to reset the board at the end of the episode because people like familiarity. – Jeff Kinney
Nick Denton My background is economics and maths. I think one of the reasons I studied humanities at all, or even went into journalism, is because, like, science and maths wasn’t cool in England when I was growing up. No one ever talked to the engineering students at Oxford. – Nick Denton
Cara Buono Being on ‘The Sopranos’ definitely prepared me for the militant secrecy of ‘Mad Men.’ – Cara Buono
Charles Frazier People who are isolated interest me, whether they isolate themselves or have been isolated by circumstances. – Charles Frazier
Christopher Columbus The Indians on board said that thence to Cuba was a voyage in their canoes of a day and a half; these being small dug-outs without a sail. Such are their canoes. I departed thence for Cuba, for by the signs the Indians made of its greatness, and of its gold and pearls, I thought that it must be Cipango. – Christopher Columbus
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