Jerry Pournelle Asimov was the reason why we changed some rules in the SFWA, and I’m not convinced we changed it for the best. – Jerry Pournelle Asimov Quotes Changed Quotes Convinced Quotes Reason Quotes Rules Quotes Sfwa Quotes And that’s another piece of advice I’ll give junior writers; when you get to the point where they take you to lunch, let the editor suggest where to go.
FriendshipHill Harper You can’t build anything with a flimsy foundation. Friendship is the foundation. – Hill Harper
Anupam Kher I still feel I belong to the theatre. There is nothing more challenging and exciting for an actor than performing before a live audience. The stage is the real testing ground for an actor. – Anupam Kher
Joe Garcia The Koch brothers are spending more money against me than I’ve been able to raise. – Joe Garcia
Cherie BlairEquality People say that human rights is a Western construct foisted on others. But that’s not true. Equality, dignity, respect and justice are as much an integral part of the Islamic tradition. – Cherie Blair
Poonam Dhillon It is very painful to talk about my dear friend Rishi Kapoor in ‘past tense.’ – Poonam Dhillon
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