David Kirsch Asparagus is the best at de-bloating, since it helps flush out the bad stuff. – David Kirsch Asparagus Quotes Bad Quotes Debloating Quotes Flush Quotes Helps Quotes Stuff Quotes Eating foods like asparagus and celery will help keep you full and debloat you. One of the easiest things to incorporate into your everyday life is plank exercises: great for your core, great for your lower back.
ExperienceR D Laing The experience and behavior that gets labeled schizophrenic is a special strategy that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation. – R D Laing
Janet Mock It was through my hashtag #girlslikeus where I connected with other trans women on Twitter and Tumblr. We had challenging conversations, courageous personal revelations, and shared insights and experiences, and just had fun. The hashtag tethered me to many women in my community in impactful, lasting ways. – Janet Mock
Eddie Marsan I didn’t do well at school, and I don’t have lots of academic reference points. – Eddie Marsan
James Dyson So I think the winners in recession are the people who produce new technology that does things better, which people really want. – James Dyson
Georges St-Pierre I try to protect my loved ones, the people I share my life with, because they don’t have a public life like me. I want to keep their lives private out of respect for them. – Georges St-Pierre
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