Fatima Sana Shaikh At one point, I had lost my confidence as an actor, and working again was tough. I started stammering due to lack of confidence. It took time, but things became better. – Fatima Sana Shaikh Actor Quotes Confidence Quotes Lack Quotes Lost Quotes Stammering Quotes Started Quotes Time Quotes Tough Quotes I faced many ups and downs, like any other actor: not getting through auditions or even worse – getting shortlisted and not being selected. Most actors go through the process. Kids and adults are treated differently on sets. Being a kid, you can get away with anything, and it looks cute. But as an adult, it’s a whole new journey.
Clive Sinclair The idea of the split personality is as old as Genesis. For a start, Eve was manufactured from Adam’s rib. Then there’s Cain and Abel, twins at war. They were followed by Esau and Jacob, likewise divisible into hairy and smooth types. – Clive Sinclair
Scott Gottlieb When gene therapy was believed to harbor latent risks, research was largely put on hold until the risks were better understood. Sometimes, the theoretical risks have led to a principle of absolutist precaution that impedes progress. – Scott Gottlieb
Clyde Drexler If you’ve got the best record, you’re going to be the favourite. So you’ve got to play as the favourite with a bullseye on your back. – Clyde Drexler
Eva Longoria I got my degree. More importantly, I got a key to American opportunity. That’s who we are – a nation that rewards ambition with opportunity. Where hard work can lead to success, no matter where you start. – Eva Longoria
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