Noel Redding At the age of nine, playing the violin at school, and then onto the mandolin. – Noel Redding Age Quotes Mandolin Quotes Playing Quotes School Quotes Violin Quotes On Ain’t No Telling I came up with the bass solo. I wouldn’t know how I would have coped with The Beatles’ sort of fame.
Rich Paul There is nothing we cannot do for an athlete. If a guy wants to write a book, great. If he wants to be a ‘Fortnite’ champion, great. If he wants to act, great. He wants to buy a surfboard company? Fantastic. There is nothing we cannot do for the modern athlete. – Rich Paul
CherReligion I have a problem with religion that makes it so, like, ‘We are the ones. We are the chosen ones.’ – Cher
Atul Kulkarni No genre is easy. For an actor, it’s a serious business even when he’s essaying a funny character. In fact, comedy is more difficult. – Atul Kulkarni
Jennifer Lawrence Nothing’s sacred anymore. Those girls and I got so close. They were painting me naked every day for months. It was kind of like going to a really bizarre sleepover. It’s what you guys imagine we do: One naked girl and seven pairs of hands all over her. – Jennifer Lawrence
DeathJean Baudrillard Deep down, no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death sentence generally stays tucked away, hidden beneath the difficulty of living. If that difficulty is removed from time to time, death is suddenly there, unintelligibly. – Jean Baudrillard
AmazingDesmond TutuGod Isn’t it amazing that we are all made in God’s image, and yet there is so much diversity among his people? – Desmond Tutu
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