Cory Barlog At the end of ‘God of War III,’ after laying waste to Olympus, Kratos leaves and, for me, goes on this really long wandering pilgrimage. – Cory Barlog God Quotes Iii Quotes Kratos Quotes Laying Quotes Leaves Quotes Olympus Quotes Pilgrimage Quotes Wandering Quotes War Quotes Waste Quotes I can’t learn Swedish to save my life. I tried, but I’m not very good at it. The dynamics of storytelling are very important. To just be serious and morose all the time would be not very enjoyable.
DreamsHerb Brooks We should be dreaming. We grew up as kids having dreams, but now we’re too sophisticated as adults, as a nation. We stopped dreaming. We should always have dreams. – Herb Brooks
John Waite People wanted to know where I was and what I was doing. Was I still recording? Was I touring? Was I putting a band together? Was I writing songs? Was I even still singing? – John Waite
FreedomGovernmentKsenia Sobchak Problems in our country haven’t been caused by Donald Trump, America and its ambitions or CIA spies. Our problems are rooted in a bad government system, the lack of free elections, independent courts and freedom of speech. – Ksenia Sobchak
David Cameron For me, and I suspect for lots of other people too, bad things actually sometimes make you think more about faith and the fact that you’re not facing these things on your own. – David Cameron
Samin Nosrat Throughout my time working in restaurants, I developed an illogical dread of some basic kitchen tasks. None of them – picking and chopping parsley, peeling and mincing garlic, browning pans of ground meat – were particularly difficult. But at the scale required in a professional kitchen, they felt Sisyphean. – Samin Nosrat
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