Ed O'Neill Back then I said to myself ‘screw football.’ Actually I just took part in this camp as there was nothing better for me to do. They also didn’t draft me because they thought I was too wild and undisciplined. – Ed O’Neill Camp Quotes Draft Quotes Football Quotes Screw Quotes Undisciplined Quotes Wild Quotes I knew I was a good stage actor but I had no idea about movies. And I wasn’t a Paul Newman type of guy. That’s why I thought the stage is just right for me. All this flying around got on my nerves. But then I gave the script to Cathy to get her opinion. When she started to laugh, it was like ‘That’s it!’. I went to LA and I got the part.
Errol Spence Jr Putting up a great performance against Lamont Peterson will skyrocket me. The goal is to become the No. 1 welterweight in the division, so if I keep beating these guys around me and then fight Keith Thurman, people will rate me as No. 1 because I’ve beat the top names, and he’s been inactive. – Errol Spence Jr
Sharan Burrow When we see the banks get bailed out with seemingly no consequences while ordinary people pay the price with job and wage cuts through austerity measures, who could blame a person for wondering where the loyalties of their elected leaders really lie? – Sharan Burrow
Bill Flores Mr. Trump needs to show how he will address the critical issues on the minds of Americans: national security and economic opportunity for hardworking American families. Americans need to see more vision and less trash talk. – Bill Flores
Anthony CarriganPatience There’s a randomness, even if you’re talented. This is a very unforgiving industry that puts you through the ringer. It is not easy by any means, but it’s one of those things that if you have the patience, the perspective, and the talent, it can really take off. – Anthony Carrigan
David Harbour People who are deep thinkers, who have sort of a weird way of looking at the universe, are wildly attractive to me. – David Harbour
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