Ben Quayle Barack Obama is the worst President in history. – Ben Quayle Barack Quotes History Quotes Obama Quotes President Quotes Worst Quotes And that’s the one thing that people do not understand is that we have very low interest rates and if those go back to historical levels or even go back to scary thoughts that they’re back in the late ’70s, early ’80s, then that’s going to really be hard to actually pay off those debts. It’s going to be a – it’s going to be a very big problem. Spending when the math’s not there and the numbers aren’t there and if they look in the social security trust fund, it’s filled with IOUs because the government’s been pilfering it for years on end. We have to do something. We have to start having this discussion.
Georgina Bloomberg Dogs and their well-being is one of my biggest passions in life. The Michael Vick case brought the issue of dogfighting to light… he knew what he was doing and never deserved to play in the NFL again. – Georgina Bloomberg
Ray Allen My mission my whole career was just to be somebody that you can look at and say, ‘That’s the guy I want to go into battle with.’ – Ray Allen
Andi Oliver There are not many people who can discern between fenugreek, green cardamom, black cardamom, caraway and turmeric at the drop of a hat. – Andi Oliver
Patricia Heaton Anytime anybody is rude, it makes me double-check my own behavior to make sure I don’t do that to other people. – Patricia Heaton
Susannah York Someone had told me about a house in Wandsworth, southwest London – 21 Blenkarne Road – with an incredible garden, so I went and had a look. I walked in and just said, ‘I want it.’ – Susannah York
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