Evan Sayet Barack Obama says that we need to be humble toward terrorism. Yet he is the one we have been waiting for. That is humble? – Evan Sayet Barack Quotes Humble Quotes Obama Quotes Terrorism Quotes Waiting Quotes Mitt Romney is a true Mormon. John Edwards and Bill Clinton are not real Mormons. It was not ‘Brigham Young’ they were chanting. It was ‘Bring ’em young.’ Jews don’t care about ancient rivalries. We worry about humidity in Miami.
Damaris Phillips My favorite way to cook is to look in my cabinets and see what I have. That’s the most fun. ‘I don’t have tomatoes, but I have this chili-garlic sauce from the Asian grocery store. Let’s throw that in there and see how it affects my beef barley soup!’ – Damaris Phillips
Lester Holt As Americans, we rightfully place tremendous value on having a free and independent press. Our role as journalists is to give voice to the voiceless, and hold our leaders and institutions accountable. But the circle is only completed when that information is consumed by a free-thinking and engaged audience. – Lester Holt
DJ Khaled That’s when you know you’re the greatest: when you’re the greatest, and people still put odds against you. – DJ Khaled
Brandon Jay McLaren I get recognized for ‘The Killing’ all the time. People yell out, ‘I hope you didn’t kill her!’ They yell that out in the street. – Brandon Jay McLaren
Canelo Alvarez I will fight ‘GGG,’ and I will beat ‘GGG,’ but I will not be forced into the ring by artificial deadlines. – Canelo Alvarez
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