Amy Winehouse Basically, I live to do gigs. – Amy Winehouse Basically Quotes Gigs Quotes Live Quotes I don’t listen to a lot of new stuff. I just like the old stuff. It’s all quite dramatic and atmospheric. You’d have an entire story in song. I never listen to, like, white music – I couldn’t sing you a Zeppelin or Floyd song. I’ve always been a little homemaker.
Louis de Broglie The electron can no longer be conceived as a single, small granule of electricity; it must be associated with a wave, and this wave is no myth; its wavelength can be measured and its interferences predicted. – Louis de Broglie
B Kevin Turner Going forward, we will focus on building the very best Windows phones on a quicker timeline. We will also focus on the channels and markets that offer the best returns. This is a similar approach to the one we have taken with Surface, which has been very successful. – B Kevin Turner
Lady Colin Campbell All I can say is anybody who’s spent most of his life living a lie is not somebody I admire. – Lady Colin Campbell
Maajid Nawaz After much soul searching I was able to renounce my past Islamist ideology, challenging everything I was once prepared to die for. – Maajid Nawaz
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