Jon Johansen Basically, if reverse engineering is banned, then a lot of the open source community is doomed to fail. – Jon Johansen Banned Quotes Basically Quotes Community Quotes Doomed Quotes Engineering Quotes Fail Quotes Lot Quotes Reverse Quotes Source Quotes We knew that they would probably go after someone. Companies shouldn’t use the law to prevent consumers from doing something legal.
ImaginationPowerTim O'Brien Fantasy has a dark side to it. It also has a light hemisphere – the power of the human imagination to keep going, to imagine a better tomorrow. – Tim O’Brien
Maddie Marlow We wrote every single song, and they’re all true stories. Some people don’t believe us, but they are. – Maddie Marlow
Josie Maran I do like to drive fast and I have gotten pulled over in the past. I use my skills to get out of tickets. – Josie Maran
Justin Lin I’ve sat in so many meetings where they talk about converting movies to 3D just for the China market and just to make more money. I saw that people in China work long, long hours and that it’s expensive to go to the movies, and you want to rip them off for even more money? I don’t think that’s right. – Justin Lin
FamousMattie Stepanek I’ve gotten books published. I’ve met famous people that are very nice. I look back and I say, ‘Wow. Thank you, God, for giving me this gift. And thank you for helping me to keep going.’ – Mattie Stepanek
Franz Grillparzer Those who want to row on the ocean of human knowledge do not get far, and the storm drives those out of their course who set sail. – Franz Grillparzer
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