George Mikan Basketball players, the good ones, are no one-shot specialisls. This is a game which puts a premium on your ability to hit that hoop consistently, and to excel in it you’ve got to have a variety of shots. – George Mikan Ability Quotes Basketball Quotes Consistently Quotes Excel Quotes Game Quotes Hit Quotes Hoop Quotes Oneshot Quotes Players Quotes Premium Quotes Shots Quotes Specialisls Quotes Variety Quotes I never forced my boys to play basketball. I only work with them on individual problems when they come to me. Most players have a basic shot with which they do most of their scoring. Mine is the hook shot and I suppose you could call me an authority on that.
Jess Phillips We have got to be brave and bold and bring people with us, not try and look all ways. Trying to please everyone usually means we have pleased no one. – Jess Phillips
Martin O'Malley When the citizens of Baltimore banded together to repel the British during the War of 1812, three in five were immigrants, and one in five was black – some were free, some slaves. – Martin O’Malley
Carly Simon But when we listened to the radio, it was Bill Haley and the Comets or the Everly Brothers. – Carly Simon
Nicolas Roeg When I look around, I begin to understand what Socrates meant when he said, ‘How much there is in the world I do not want.’ – Nicolas Roeg
Michael Reagan You know my father as governor, as president, but I knew him as dad. I was so proud to have the Reagan name and to be Ronald Reagan’s son. – Michael Reagan
Rachel Cusk It’s a taboo that comes back over and over, to suggest that women can feel divided – that you can love your child and want to do everything for it, and at the same time want to put it away from you and reclaim something of yourself. – Rachel Cusk
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