Hanya Yanagihara Be aware of who in your life is actually interested in hearing you discuss your writing, and who’s just asking to be polite. Listening to writers talk about their work is often excruciatingly dull. – Hanya Yanagihara Aware Quotes Discuss Quotes Dull Quotes Excruciatingly Quotes Hearing Quotes Life Quotes Listening Quotes Polite Quotes Talk Quotes Writers Quotes Writing Quotes We think of writing a book as a process, but the very word – process – suggests that there is one: a template to follow, a map to guide us. If that were true, someone would have surely figured out some marketable method we could all buy. Writing is, by its nature, interior work. So being forced to be around people is a great gift for a novelist. You get to be reminded, daily, of how people think, how they speak, how they live; the things they worry about, the things they hope for, the things they fear.
Aaron Koblin I’ve always loved music and held it as a sacred thing that I can’t touch, as I don’t really want to deconstruct it or be a musician. – Aaron Koblin
Hidilyn Diaz Maybe God brought me here to inspire the youth to engage in sports and teach them the value of sports. – Hidilyn Diaz
Lena Headey People who never get anxious always amaze me. The world could be breaking up, and they’re saying, ‘Everything’s fine!’ – Lena Headey
Carl von ClausewitzPoliticsWar War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means. – Carl von Clausewitz
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Our dear country, Iran, throughout history has been subject to threats. – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
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