James Beattie Be ignorance thy choice, where knowledge leads to woe. – James Beattie Choice Quotes Ignorance Quotes Knowledge Quotes Leads Quotes Thy Quotes Woe Quotes He thought as a sage, though he felt like a man. At the close of the day when the hamlet is still, and mortals the sweets of forgetfulness prove, when naught but the torrent is heard on the hill, and naught but the nightingale’s song in the grove.
Sam Heughan Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but I enjoy anything where you get to flex your acting muscles, you get to really go for it. – Sam Heughan
Roger Clemens My main concern is when it’s 2-0, I’ve got to keep it at 2-0. It gives us a little more of a chance. To give up four more runs, that isn’t going to get it done. I don’t care who you’re facing or who you’re playing, it’s not going to get it done. – Roger Clemens
Arthur Godfrey I explained to the lady my love for John and his work, and she made it possible for me to purchase one of the 24 proofs, the one for ‘I’m So Tired,’ which I have on my piano at home. – Arthur Godfrey
Jules VerneNature The sea is the vast reservoir of Nature. The globe began with sea, so to speak; and who knows if it will not end with it? – Jules Verne
Sue Monk Kidd I do read a poem almost every morning. Unless I’m really, really late, I have to get my poem in. – Sue Monk Kidd
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