Erin Brockovich Be informed, ask questions, band together with your community, and fight at the local level. And make sure you take your local elections as seriously as the national ones. – Erin Brockovich Band Quotes Community Quotes Elections Quotes Fight Quotes Informed Quotes Level Quotes Local Quotes National Quotes Questions Quotes When I discovered that hexavalent chromium was causing cancer in the town of Hinkley, California, it led to residents being paid $333m in compensation. But, unbelievably, that chemical remains in our drinking water. Saying drinking water is ‘safe’ without any supporting documentation is wrong. Resting on the comfort that the DHEC and the USEPA are there to give you cover is the same mistake the City of Flint made.
Nicola Walker I was never told that the purpose of school was to get a job at the end of it. What was pushed on me was a love of learning, probably because my parents didn’t have access to a great education. – Nicola Walker
Anne Sweeney The value of the television network is partly tradition, serving as a navigation device and as a brand. Research shows that people do know and understand ABC as a brand, like Disney. – Anne Sweeney
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