BeautyDante Alighieri Beauty awakens the soul to act. – Dante Alighieri Awakens Quotes Beauty Quotes Soul Quotes Through Kurt I saw the beauty of minimalism and the importance of music that’s stripped down. It was Chicago with its World’s Fair which vivified the national desire for civic beauty.
HappinessJohn Lewis Sometimes I feel like crying, tears of happiness, tears of joy, to see the distance we’ve come and the progress we’ve made. – John Lewis
Scatman Crothers I always kept busy. If the music business got bad I’d get me a job doin’ somethin’ else. Bellhop. Porter. Anything to make an honest living. – Scatman Crothers
Mustafa Ali I think it’s something much bigger than just pro wrestling and the industry I work in. It’s across all media. You look at Hollywood movies: there’s not the Muslim hero or the guy who looks like me and has a name like mine who is portrayed in a positive manner or in a leading role. So, growing up, I didn’t have a role model that looks like me. – Mustafa Ali
Marianne Elliott We’re always steered towards what is good in the canon by a male perspective. I like to do plays with a female protagonist who finds her way through. My way is unusual. – Marianne Elliott
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