BeautySocrates Beauty is the bait which with delight allures man to enlarge his kind. – Socrates Allures Quotes Bait Quotes Beauty Quotes Delight Quotes Enlarge Quotes I think every single imperfection adds to your beauty. I’d rather be imperfect than perfect. I always loved Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast’. I always thought I looked like her, so I dressed like her for every Halloween.
John Roberts Legislative novelty is not necessarily fatal; there is a first time for everything. – John Roberts
Sheena Easton My sole focus as far back as I can remember was all about my dream to become a singer. – Sheena Easton
Feist I need therapy after writing. It’s like leaking blood from a stone. It’s brutally difficult but worth it. – Feist
Bibhu Mohapatra There is no need to pose for anything – you just walk straight and strong and be clear. We are all born with unique characteristics and we have to stick to that. Yes, use the tools to enhance it, but we shouldn’t be hiding behind them. That’s what style is about. – Bibhu Mohapatra
Karyn Kusama I think my narrative is actually pretty interesting if I step back from it and don’t engage too much in it, personally or emotionally. – Karyn Kusama
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