Rachel Campos-Duffy Because a lot of people really associate liberalism and Democrats with tolerance, and I found it to be quite the opposite. They’re tolerant as long as you agree with them! I felt like not only was I tolerant, I was curious and open-minded. – Rachel Campos-Duffy Agree Quotes Associate Quotes Curious Quotes Democrats Quotes Liberalism Quotes Lot Quotes Openminded Quotes People Quotes Tolerance Quotes Tolerant Quotes I get up with the kids, get them ready for school and make everyone breakfast. Breakfast during the week consists of some sort of cooked grain with dried fruit, nuts and almond milk; I’m a fanatic about the kids eating their porridge! If you were to ask me what the No. 1 lesson I learned from being on ‘The Real World’, and I challenge you to go back to the episodes and you will see that I’m right: I learned the myth of liberal tolerance.
Sara Davies I am incredibly passionate about craft but am just as passionate about supporting local craft companies. – Sara Davies
James Turrell There is an idea, first of all, of vision fully formed with the eyes closed. Of course the vision we have in a lucid dream often has greater lucidity and clarity than vision with the eyes open. – James Turrell
Fabrice Grinda Is the button white or orange or green or yellow? Does it say ‘sell’, or ‘sell now’, or ‘on sale’ or ‘for sale’? You test, you test, you test and most of the ideas you try fail and so I would argue I failed my way to success. – Fabrice Grinda
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