Eddie Hall Because fats are so calorie-dense – there are nine calories per gram of fat – at 400 grams of fat, you’re getting a lot of calories in. It’s so easy to digest fat, too. That was my fuel. – Eddie Hall Caloriedense Quotes Calories Quotes Digest Quotes Easy Quotes Fat Quotes Fats Quotes Fuel Quotes Gram Quotes Grams Quotes Lot Quotes I was expelled from school at 14, and whilst everyone else was studying for their GCSEs, I got a membership for that gym, and I just started lifting weights. So while everyone else was in school, I was in the gym sort of bulking up, and when I got to 17, I got a full time job. For the people that keep asking why I don’t compete at the World’s Strongest Man anymore, simple: I choose to live a healthier life now and enjoy the fruits of my labour.
Brian Celio Love becomes logically true when lost but still sought from the same source. – Brian Celio
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Everyone thinks I’m looking for attacking football all the time. But the foundation is how you defend – keep a clean sheet, and you have a decent chance to win a game of football. – Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
Edward Gorey Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that’s what makes it so boring. – Edward Gorey
John le Carre Americans believe that if you know something, you should do something about it. – John le Carre
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