Lois Lowry Because I have two houses, I invariably get immersed in a book and then discover it’s at the other house. – Lois Lowry Book Quotes Discover Quotes House Quotes Houses Quotes Immersed Quotes Invariably Quotes I turn to books for a feeling of companionship: for somebody knowing what I have known. This may sound strange, but at a very early age, at around 3, I was aware that I was smarter than the other kids.
HomeRobert Frost Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. – Robert Frost
Jerry Only If you really want something you just hang with it. We think our future’s ahead and not behind. – Jerry Only
Brooke Sweat You step in a divot or a hole you’re not expecting to be there, and it can throw off your timing or your approach. – Brooke Sweat
Rickson Gracie There is no tomorrow, because life can change forever in the blink of an eye. – Rickson Gracie
James Buchan In modern society, where most people live in cities, and where both needs and wishes are absolved through the same remote agency – money – the distinction between wishes and needs has altogether vanished. – James Buchan
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