Imran Khan Because I’m anti-war, I’ve been called pro-Taliban. – Imran Khan Antiwar Quotes Called Quotes Protaliban Quotes What I perceive, is above all justice, where everyone has the same law. Colonialism deprives you of your self-esteem and to get it back you have to fight to redress the balance.
Ron Davies And, I hope now that everybody understands that the Labour Party – as it always has done – stands for free speech and individual Members of the Labour Party are entitled to exercise that free speech. – Ron Davies
Brock Lesnar There are lots of risks, but without risks, there’s no reward. I think the reward is bigger than the risk. – Brock Lesnar
Frank A Clark There’s nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child. – Frank A Clark
Geno Smith I think I admire all leaders. I think everyone has their own way to lead. My way in particular is not a rah-rah guy, or a guy who’s going to be the cheerleader. I’m the guy who leads by example. I respect guys who lead by example. – Geno Smith
Dakota Meyer I will tell you, I don’t miss me and Bristol fighting, but coming home to an empty house every other week, you walk in there, and it’s a reminder of the failure of the marriage. – Dakota Meyer
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