Paul Pogba Because I’m fairly big, I like to use my body. So I’ll control the ball, even when there’s a player on me, and then I’ll pass. – Paul Pogba Ball Quotes Body Quotes Control Quotes Pass Quotes Player Quotes I don’t think I am a great. I think I’ve done nothing. I’ve done nothing in soccer. I’ve won leagues, but I haven’t won the Champions League, the World Cup, the Euro. Winning the Euro in France, that wouldn’t be bad. I have to keep working hard and playing well because I don’t like to be second or third: they’re the worst places to be. You would be proud, of course, because it means you’re on the way, but you want to finish first.
Ben Hardy For a while, I didn’t want to leave the house. Eventually, I just got sick of being indoors. Now I take steps not to be noticed when I don’t want to be. For instance, I live near Westfield shopping centre, so I won’t go there at the weekend. – Ben Hardy
Bruno Mars I guess if I’m a product, either you’re chocolate, you’re vanilla or you’re butterscotch. You can’t be all three. – Bruno Mars
Morgan Brittany My mother had been a country and western singer but when she moved out to Hollywood found it very difficult to get work so when I was born they put me into dance classes and singing classes as soon as I could walk actually. – Morgan Brittany
EducationLearningLucretia Mott Learning, while at school, that the charge for the education of girls was the same as that for boys, and that, when they became teachers, women received only half as much as men for their services, the injustice of this distinction was so apparent. – Lucretia Mott
Rajiv Gandhi I didn’t have any personal goals when I came, but after being in politics – after seeing people, their difficulties, their wants – I think our goal has to be to eliminate poverty from India. – Rajiv Gandhi
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