Isaac Barrow Because men believe not in Providence, therefore they do so greedily scrape and hoard. They do not believe in any reward for charity, therefore they will part with nothing. – Isaac Barrow Charity Quotes Greedily Quotes Hoard Quotes Providence Quotes Reward Quotes Scrape Quotes That men should live honestly, quietly, and comfortably together, it is needful that they should live under a sense of God’s will, and in awe of the divine power, hoping to please God, and fearing to offend Him, by their behaviour respectively. Facetiousness is allowable when it is the most proper instrument of exposing things apparently base and vile to due contempt.
Emily Wickersham I’ll admit, I’m not very skilled with applying makeup, myself, and the natural approach has always worked for me just fine. – Emily Wickersham
Chiara Ferragni I believe that if I wasn’t born in this technological and ‘social media’ era, I would have found another way to express myself. – Chiara Ferragni
Brad Mondo When I was younger I forced my dad – who was a hairstylist as well – to bleach my hair blonde, then even blonder, then I dyed it back to black two days later and it went green. I had to shave my head and it was the worst experience, but I learned a lot and I think it honestly made me a better hairdresser. – Brad Mondo
John Engler Despite these hurdles, manufacturers in the U.S. and their employees are doing remarkable work. – John Engler
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