Hanoi Hannah Because the GIs were sent massively to South Vietnam, maybe it’s a good idea to have a broadcast for them. – Hanoi Hannah Broadcast Quotes Gis Quotes Idea Quotes Massively Quotes South Quotes Vietnam Quotes We asked Jane Fonda if she would like to meet American pilots in Hanoi, but she refused, she didn’t want to. It wasn’t a new idea. During the war against the French we had this kind of broadcast for the French soldiers.
Kenya Barris Actors are magical people. They can take words you wrote and say them in a way that, although you thought the line was good when you wrote it, it’s fantastic when it comes out of their mouth. – Kenya Barris
Steven Knight I think it is best that if you are the writer you just leave the director to it. With the caveat that you state, ‘Be gentle with the script. And if there are changes, consult me.’ – Steven Knight
Danielle Rose Russell When ‘Legacies’ picked up, we never really saw the history between both of the twins. – Danielle Rose Russell
Marco Pierre White I like my mind being stimulated. I like discovering new concepts. – Marco Pierre White
Brian Dennehy Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that morality is not just a matter of opinion. – Brian Dennehy
John Davidson Singing well has always been important to me, but the most important factor is the connection to the audience. – John Davidson
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