AmazingTalib Kweli Before Eminem, the idea that there would be a white rapper that anybody would really check for was fantastic or amazing or impossible. – Talib Kweli Amazing Quotes Check Quotes Eminem Quotes Fantastic Quotes Idea Quotes Impossible Quotes Rapper Quotes White Quotes It’s crazy that I look at 2019 as one of my best career years of my life. If you put it all into bullet points of all the things I did, you’d be like, ‘Wow that’s an amazing year,’ but mentally, I just feel the lowest I’ve ever felt. Wal-Mart is an amazing success story. What I particularly admire very much about the late Sam Walton was his policy of valuing his employees. Giving value to employees is very rare in the retail industry. I also admire the strategies Walton used to build up his discount store concept.
Don Lemon When you are the first of anything, there is a bigger responsibility put on you. – Don Lemon
Rikishi My thing is I’m always concerned about my kids and their bodies holding up in the industry. We don’t have time off. They run 365 days a year and gone all the time and performing every night. I’m kind of leaning for them to go to Hollywood. – Rikishi
Natasha Lyonne I would have done well as a gypsy child, I think. A circus baby. I coulda played a great street urchin or ragamuffin. Or just been one. I certainly liked entertaining people and making jokes, but I don’t know necessarily if that’s what your child is prone to that you should necessarily put them in a real working industry at six years old. – Natasha Lyonne
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