Allison Janney Before I even wanted to be an actor, I wanted to be a figure skater. – Allison Janney Actor Quotes Figure Quotes Skater Quotes Politics scared the crap out of me because I didn’t grow up in a family where we talked about anything, really, except, ‘Pass the peas, and do this.’… We didn’t really have political discussions at the dinner table. I didn’t learn how to watch or listen to politics. It’s a great way to start the day, hearing you’ve been nominated for an Emmy. It’s just thrilling.
Danny Boyle I’d love to do a modern-day musical that’s full of original music. To get your contemporaries to sing and dance without looking foolish and for it to be transformational and magical and all those things a musical is supposed to be. – Danny Boyle
Scott Steiner I’ve made a lot of money, and more importantly, I’ve saved a lot of money. – Scott Steiner
FamilyHomeSaroo Brierley Coming to Australia, it was just really magical for me. It just had the wow factor of a different sort of place and, more so, just being with a family that wanted to love me and to have me, because I knew back then, before coming to Australia, there was no way of getting back home or finding my real family. – Saroo Brierley
Rose Ayling-Ellis Being the first deaf person to play a regular character is a huge privilege and was long overdue. – Rose Ayling-Ellis
David GrinspoonPower Humans are possessed, to some degree, with the power of foresight. Yet we so often learn things the hard way, through disaster. – David Grinspoon
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