Kate Spade Being a mother adds an enormous amount of stress to your life. You need to make sure you’re there for everything. – Kate Spade Adds Quotes Enormous Quotes Life Quotes Mother Quotes Stress Quotes I find color optimistic and enthusiastic, and I adore it. I hope that people remember me not just as a good businesswoman but as a great friend – and a heck of a lot of fun.
Melanie Chisholm I don’t want to be daft and say I had some spiritual awakening or something, but I really did come of age in Los Angeles, where we recorded the album. I had my own little house and my own little circle and I really got to feel how the city ticks. – Melanie Chisholm
Ray Comfort An atheist is someone who thinks (but doesn’t believe) that nothing created everything. – Ray Comfort
Adam Hicks The greatest thing about music is everyone has their own style, and I respect all styles of music. – Adam Hicks
Adam Goodes As a kid we moved around a fair bit as a family. It was difficult to make friends but sport helped. Once people saw you kick a football it broke down barriers. Instead of being the new skinny black kid you were the kid everyone wanted on their team. – Adam Goodes
Horatio NelsonVeterans Day Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon. – Horatio Nelson
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