Masayoshi Son Being educated in the United States gave me a good understanding of American culture. I think I got a lot of influence from the entrepreneurial mind in the United States. – Masayoshi Son American Quotes Culture Quotes Educated Quotes Entrepreneurial Quotes Influence Quotes Lot Quotes Mind Quotes Understanding Quotes United Quotes All human beings are the same. In the United States, people come from all over the world, all races, all backgrounds. And they’re all doing what they want, many scoring huge successes. When I saw that, I became more open. It freed my soul. A person’s life is over in 50, 100 years. But a company lives on through the people it is composed of, and SoftBank group has to survive even after I’m gone.
Chad Gilbert We did two nights at a place in Southern California that only holds about 500 people. It was really intimate… Everyone was in lingerie… OK, every time someone says a show was intimate, my head always goes there. – Chad Gilbert
Candice Bergen But it was hard to leave because the show’s been so important in our lives. – Candice Bergen
Shane Black Nice Guys’ has darkness in it and parts that are kind of odd, but there are also parts where it’s heartfelt and soulful. You can switch back and forth. – Shane Black
Keith Flint When you have had the high of being on stage, especially in a band like ourselves, I can’t help but search for that buzz. – Keith Flint
Jessica Stroup Hair on a guy is something that attracts me first; if you’ve got a good head of hair, and you’re able to style yourself in a way that’s presentable, I think that’s really important. – Jessica Stroup
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