Andy Hurley Being the drummer of Fall Out Boy, and any other project I’ve ever done, is most importantly about playing for the music. Staying out of the way when it’s needed and playing more when it makes sense. – Andy Hurley Boy Quotes Drummer Quotes Fall Quotes Importantly Quotes Music Quotes Playing Quotes Project Quotes Sense Quotes Staying Quotes I suppose people do sometimes not understand the seeming disparity between my onstage personality and my public personality in the press. But I feel that I am definitely a louder, more outspoken person with those I am close to. If we did end tomorrow, I would be so stoked and proud of everything I’ve done and how I lived my life. I feel like I’ve had enough experiences for multiple lives.
Jahangir Khan We shouldn’t be thinking about individuals or departments. We should be thinking about national interest. Lifting the standard of Pakistan squash is like working towards national interest. – Jahangir Khan
Jack Dee I had a longing for ritual, something I could cling to, a routine to make me feel well and contented. I hoped that reading Bible commentaries and theological critiques would nudge me closer to some kind of absolute that I could hold up as a torch to light my way. – Jack Dee
Jeannette Walls I reached my full height at age 11, and I was clumsy as all get-out – all elbows and knees, couldn’t get up a flight of stairs without falling down. I wanted to be a cute, petite blonde, but I’m a big ol’ strapping thing, so I just accept it. – Jeannette Walls
Celia Imrie Mummy always wanted the five children, and she knew she couldn’t look after them all because she was this absolutely glorious woman who loved going to parties and going to the races, and she just didn’t have time. – Celia Imrie
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