Ruthie Ann Miles Believe it or not, I used to be obsessed with shoes. I have maybe 50 pairs… until I moved to New York, when I realized I couldn’t walk anywhere in any of them. – Ruthie Ann Miles Moved Quotes Obsessed Quotes Pairs Quotes Realized Quotes Shoes Quotes Walk Quotes York Quotes Growing up, it was just me and my mom, so we would play games where we’d listen to the radio and sing harmonies to each other. If I have a thought, I say it. If I keep it down, it’s because I’m waiting for a good moment for me to say my piece. That’s a luxury we have in our society, but parts of the world still don’t have it.
Jake Hager In addition to being gifted athletically and being the strongest guy in the room, Cesaro is very smart upstairs. He can go in the back and wrestle a match out in his head, then he’ll add his Cesaro-isms in the ring to really make the match special. He knows exactly where to put things and make a match explosive. – Jake Hager
PK Subban You only have one shot at most things, so why not give it everything you’ve got, right? – PK Subban
Mark Goulston Self-esteem should not be confused with self-confidence. Self-confidence is believing in your competence and your ability to do something, whereas self-esteem is believing in your goodness. – Mark Goulston
Nicholas Haslam I could care less if it’s Mick Jagger or the man on the street. I just like interesting people, and I happen to know a lot of stars. – Nicholas Haslam
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