Romano Prodi Berlusconi is no longer fit to lead our country. – Romano Prodi Berlusconi Quotes Country Quotes Fit Quotes Lead Quotes Think what a revolution it will be if we manage to get everyone to pay their taxes. It is becoming more widely acknowledged that it is better to have a good constitution than not having a perfect one.
Kristen StewartRomantic I think romance is anything honest. As long as it’s honest, it’s so disarming. – Kristen Stewart
Jake Johnson My brother was an improviser. He’s now a lobbyist, but he used to perform improv in the city when he was in high school, and one of the funniest guys I know to this day. – Jake Johnson
James Lecesne All of us, regardless of how we identify, need a community in which to grow our faith. We require the tangle of other souls to enlarge our hearts, to perfect our relationships with one another and to help us understand more deeply our better Selves (big ‘S’). – James Lecesne
Howard Jacobson Of the secular mysteries to which I wake with fresh and sometimes angry amazement every day, the queue is the second-most baffling. The first is the fan. – Howard Jacobson
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Life lives on life – it is cruel, but it is God’s will. And it is for our good, of course, because if there weren’t little animals to eat up the young mussels, our canals would be choked by those shellfish, for each mother has more than a thousand young ones at a time! – Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Aroldis Chapman Out of all the contracts that were out there, the better one for me was from the Reds. Not talking about money – putting that aside. It was a lot of development opportunities. – Aroldis Chapman
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