Rumaan Alam Blackness, any sort of difference, is not a burden. Relegating blackness or other sorts of difference to serious books that explicitly engage with issues creates a context in which it can seem like one. – Rumaan Alam Blackness Quotes Books Quotes Burden Quotes Context Quotes Creates Quotes Difference Quotes Engage Quotes Explicitly Quotes Issues Quotes Relegating Quotes Sort Quotes Sorts Quotes When you are young, it’s deeply annoying to be told that certain things are a condition of your youth. There’s almost always some condescension in the proposition that your reality, your hopes, your frustrations, are just a condition of your age, that what feels unique to you is a very common thing after all. It’s not that a literature for children of color doesn’t exist; it’s that so much of the extant literature is lacking in the essential quality that makes literature for children so extraordinary a form: imagination.
Prithvi Shaw There was a time when a lot of people, including coaches, were keen that I change my bottom-handed grip. – Prithvi Shaw
Sean M Carroll As we get older, we tend to grow quite fond of the planets of belief we have constructed for ourselves. We build elaborate defense mechanisms to ward off attacks from competing ideas or new data. The system makes us comfortable but resistant to change, no matter how much change might be called for. – Sean M Carroll
Imelda May Love Tattoo’ I recorded without a record company. I’d gotten turned down by the record companies – they said they didn’t get me, which is fine, I suppose. – Imelda May
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