Chrissy Teigen Blogs are evil. Actually, the blogs aren’t as evil as blog comments. – Chrissy Teigen Blog Quotes Blogs Quotes Comments Quotes Evil Quotes It’s funny because I want my teeth to be, like, neon ‘Real Housewives’ white, but mine have stopped taking to teeth whitening. When I talk to my dentist, I’m like, ‘They can be that white,’ and he’s like, ‘Veneers can be that white.’ I tweet from bed. I love it because it’s so quick. And it’s funny. But it also leaves a lot of room for error because new people don’t sense the sarcasm – there’s no sarcasm font.
Nick Harkaway Sir Terry Pratchett – he was knighted in 2009, and on him it looked earned rather than entitled – wrote about dragons, wizards, turtles, witches, time-travelling monks, and suitcases with legs. – Nick Harkaway
Sam Lloyd I was kind of lucky that I had done so much theater over the years, because basically a sitcom is kind of like a hybrid between a film and a play. – Sam Lloyd
Abraham Verghese My advice for writers is to get a good day job. It takes the pressure off writing if you have a job that pays the bills. – Abraham Verghese
Kate Leth I have friends who practice witchcraft, and I study tarot myself. I guess, to be specific, I don’t want to believe in a world without magic. – Kate Leth
Chadwick Boseman I wasn’t a comic book geek as a kid. I read some, but it was just like, ‘Oh, I have this comic book here.’ It wasn’t like I was collecting them. – Chadwick Boseman
Alisyn Camerota There are three networks and dozens of online sites devoted almost exclusively to amplifying President Trump’s nonsense. – Alisyn Camerota
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