Lorne Greene Bonanza’ was never a violent show, yet it is set in an era when men wore guns and violence was a fact of life. – Lorne Greene Bonanza Quotes Era Quotes Guns Quotes Life Quotes Set Quotes Violence Quotes Violent Quotes Wore Quotes What I’d really like to do is make maybe two or three movies a year. In one part of my mind, I regret that there were 15 years spent not acting. But in the other part of my mind, I have no regrets. If I had been acting, I wouldn’t have been able to do so many of the things I have done.
Randy Falco As a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump is going to get tough questions from the press and has to answer them. – Randy Falco
James Dobson When I was about ten, I was very impressed by the way Tarzan could swing through the trees from vine to vine. No one ever told me, ‘Don’t try this at home.’ – James Dobson
Jet LiLearning I spend more time learning about Buddhism than English, which is why my English today is still bad. – Jet Li
Francis CollinsScience I’m enormously interested to see where neuroscience can take us in understanding these complexities of the human brain and how it works, but I do think there may be limits in terms of what science can tell us about what does good and evil mean anyway, and what are those concepts about? – Francis Collins
Shemar Moore Celebrities have more influence to be able to reach out to people, but people are becoming famous on Facebook and social media every day. – Shemar Moore
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