Jayne Anne Phillips Books about women and children are not valued in the same way as a book about war. And why is that? I don’t know. – Jayne Anne Phillips Book Quotes Books Quotes Children Quotes Valued Quotes War Quotes Women Quotes I work via the high-tension-wire method, which is maybe going for long periods without writing while the tension builds up – when am I going to write this, am I going to be able to write this, what is this image about – and I’m thinking about it all the time, but I’m not really inside it, inside the writing. I wish I had more time to write.
EducationEdward Everett Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. – Edward Everett
A E Housman The troubles of our proud and angry dust are from eternity, and shall not fail. Bear them we can, and if we can we must. Shoulder the sky, my lad, and drink your ale. – A E Housman
ArtRobert Frost Take care to sell your horse before he dies. The art of life is passing losses on. – Robert Frost
Jean de la Bruyere Politeness makes one appear outwardly as they should be within. – Jean de la Bruyere
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