Richard Preston Botanists have a tradition of never revealing the exact location of a rare plant. Contact between humans and rare plants is generally risky for the plants. – Richard Preston Botanists Quotes Contact Quotes Exact Quotes Humans Quotes Location Quotes Plant Quotes Plants Quotes Rare Quotes Revealing Quotes Risky Quotes Tradition Quotes A football player is often bigger than a basketball player – more massive, that is. The basketball player is taller and more slender. So it is with redwoods. The tallest redwoods are often slender, and so they aren’t the largest ones. Botanists have a tradition of never revealing the exact location of a rare plant. Contact between humans and rare plants is generally risky for the plants.
P J Tucker Some nights I might wear some crazy stuff. Some nights I might be more regular. I’ll wear shoes that no one knows and is a sleeper, but it might be something that I really love. – P J Tucker
J Courtney Sullivan My relationship with the ‘Baby-Sitters Club’ series bordered on addiction, and my mom got me heavily into the Trixie Belden mysteries as well. Trixie Belden was like Nancy Drew, but without the boyfriends and cute outfits, which I think is the reason my mother preferred her. – J Courtney Sullivan
Damian Lillard I like ‘1989,’ the whole album. ‘Welcome to New York,’ ‘Blank Space,’ ‘Bad Blood’ – all of it! – Damian Lillard
Alice Roberts When I asked what people would change about their bodies on Twitter, the birthing process was an extremely popular response! – Alice Roberts
Charlie Baker I’ve supported a lot of folks with a lot of points of view. But I have concerns about Mr. Trump’s temperament. Some of the things he’s said about women, Muslims and religious freedom, I just can’t support. – Charlie Baker
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