Jeff Giles Bottle Rocket’ is an underdog. – Jeff Giles Bottle Quotes Rocket Quotes Underdog Quotes Making a summer movie is like accepting a mission impossible: your enemies are everywhere, and if you fail, the studio’s never heard of you. It’s been said that Generation X should get a life. Well, in ‘Bottle Rocket,’ they get a life of crime. Or at least try.
Skrillex I seem to spend a minimum of eight hours a day in transit of some sort or another… that’s eight hours of your life gone. People always ask if I suffer from jet lag, but it’s kinda become really normal for me… Although the jet lag does become a factor and you’re pretty much always tired. – Skrillex
George Mikan The experts say I was the first real big man who was able to dominate a game. Who am I to make liars of them? But there were some other fine big centers besides me in the 1940s – Bob Kurland, Don Otten, Arnie Risen and Ed Macauley, to name a few. – George Mikan
Jessica Chastain I have problems because I’m very expressive, and usually red lipstick gets on my teeth and face. – Jessica Chastain
Eugene Kennedy The mystery of being human and, certainly, of being a Catholic lies in our embracing together the imperfect state known as the human condition. First and foremost, if we could ever be perfect or do things perfectly, we would eliminate mystery, an essential ingredient in the good life and the spiritual life. – Eugene Kennedy
Jean Rostand Greatness, in order to gain recognition, must all too often consent to ape greatness. – Jean Rostand
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